[Multi sub] The new show is online! "Be Low-key" Episode 1-2 Crossover english subtitles

 [Multi sub] The new show is online! "Be Low-key" Episode 1-2 Crossover english subtitles

[Multi sub] The new show is online! "Be Low-key" Episode 1-2 Crossover english subtitles

Keep your head down

  • Status is being serializedCategoryBlood FantasyFunnyThroughRebirth _
  • Introduction [Updated every Monday and Saturday, the fourth Calamity Stream]
  •  After crossing the Tianxuan Realm, the head of the spicy chicken sect started!
  •  The urban krypton gold man rebirth game into another world
  • , using players as lackeys, and accepting the world's
  •  protagonists as younger brothers, in terms of pretending
  • , I only recognize the number one in the world!

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